“G’day! …Did I get up too early again?”

(Model Sheet by Piti)
Hume is in the Climate Committee’s representative for Humidity. Hume is keen on maintaining good fitness habits, and he’s also a bit of a subtle jokester, often being the source of Temper’s more mild headaches.
Hume often seems unfazed by things going on around him (unless he’s directly involved). He’s a rather docile Wallaby, but daydreaming is so bad, he’ll confuse fiction with reality. He can come off as socially awkward, but those who “get him” consider him a pretty friendly and reliable guy.

(Designs by keysatrii)
He’s got a lot of hidden talents, but some say he’s got a lot of “wasted potential”.

(Guest animation by aebreedraws)
Hume is usually pretty passive in conflict, usually taking a step back until there’s a reason for him to engage.
He’s able to support Drop, Temper and many others in battle as well, being able to increase or decrease moisture in a parcel or “zone” of air, as well as performing other interesting things.